Change Is Inevitable, Growth Is Optional

by - Friday, March 30, 2018

I was just sitting back thinking how often things change in our lives. If you really think about life, things are always changing. I find the happiest people are the ones who can ultimately adapt, adjust, accept change and move on. Because when you can do that, you grow into a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Adapt- The best analogy I have for this is the weather. If it's cold, you wear a coat and scarf. If it's raining you wear rain boots. If it's hot, you wear less clothes and try to stay cool in the sweltering heat. Similarly, our lives have seasons too. Some seasons require us to plant seeds and maybe even get a little dirty in the process. Other seasons will allow us to reap the rewards of hard work in previous seasons and so on. 
Adjust- This is more of a mental adjustment than anything. I find it helpful when I'm able to reset or come up with a new way to go about doing something I've previously done. Adjusting comes after observation. You take an overall "outside looking in" perspective and see what changes can be made or what can be done a better way. Social media is the best example for this. Take Instagram, you have new mini stories that didn't exist before so you have a new way to be creative with content. Adjusting in that sense keeps you current and relevant. The same is true for real life and just being aware of what's going on around you and ways you can benefit from the change.
Accept- Accept the fact that change is inevitable and there's nothing you can do to unchange life. Things change daily and one day, just one, can make a world of difference. And honestly, not only one day but one encounter, one conversation, one book, one meeting...
There are some people that find their groove and like to stick to that forever without changing a thing. They believe they've found the perfect life concoction. The truth is, there really is no perfect life concoction. But the more you can control yourself and your adaptability in an ever-changing world, the better. 

I want to be the girl that didn't compromise, that's beautiful from the inside out, that got exactly what she wanted in life, that cares about how she goes about doing that with integrity, that stands up for herself and that finds a way to enjoy the things in life that she loves. 

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