by - Monday, June 03, 2019

When I decided that a move to Chicago would be the best thing for me, I had no idea what to expect or what that would even look like. Everything just started lining up and before I knew it, I was headed to move to a new city and I had three weeks to do it. That's it. Three weeks to move my whole life. Prior to leaving my hometown of Nashville, TN the only other place I'd lived is Huntsville, AL and that was for undergrad.
I couldn't help but think and reflect on how I always thought I would be living on this beautiful beach somewhere with lots of palm trees, sunny skies and warm weather. Well, being near the Chicago area really shut that down, quick! That's not quite what would be happening in my life at this moment in time.

Life has a funny way of giving us what we need, not what we think we want.

The first day I traveled here, it was freezing cold. Like unbelievably, freezing cold temperatures. I remember thinking, "How are humans even surviving in this weather?" lol. But, alas, they were. They are. And I am too. And not only am I just surviving, I am thriving. I've learned more in the last past five months outside of my comfort zone than I ever would have staying where I was. Getting out of your comfort zone truly accelerates your journey. Don't believe me? Just try it. Do something that you know is out of your comfort zone and you'll be amazed at the results.
But to keep it real....cause that's what we do here, I won't lie... for the first few months I contemplated running right back to Nashville where I came from. "Um, why did I want to move to a new city again?!" I would ask myself. And after a couple months of being in and out of a funk, I realized that I had to change my attitude and perspective if I was ever going to get anywhere. Staying in a funk isn't even how I roll so I knew I'd have to get used to being uncomfortable. I'd have to get used to the city, the tolls, the crazy drivers, the new culture and surroundings....and not just tolerate it but embrace it.

In order to trust yourself, you must learn to take ownership and  follow through with what you've already asked for.

That's just how life works. It seems we are always asking for something without following through on previous requests. I told myself, "I asked for this. I asked for a new opportunity and change. And that's exactly what I got. Whether it looks or feels like what I expected right now doesn't matter. I spoke this into existence and I'm going to take ownership for that." And voila! Just like that clarity started to come in piece by piece on what it was I should be doing in my new environment. 
Stepping outside of your comfort zone is going to feel scary and you're probably going to second-guess yourself and your decision-making but whatever you do...don't go back to your place of comfort. Whatever that may be. Sometimes that can be a relationship, a job, or simply a certain mindset or annoying bad habit that you have. Push yourself forward. Even if you are...well....especially if you are out of your element.

Your comfort zone is not going to grow you into who you want to be. Growth happens outside of that comfort zone, boo.

Challenge yourself and you will soon find you are wayyyy stronger and more capable than you think!

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